I have specialised as a teacher in early years for 9 years. I believe strongly that every child deserves a start in their education journey were they can research the world around them in an explorative, sensorial, creative, enquiry-based and fun way. I love being outdoors and exploring the natural world with the children and I will usually be covered in mud or paint!
When I am not working I love running, walking and going to the theatre with my boys!
I have specialised as a teacher in early years for 9 years. I believe strongly that every child deserves a start in their education journey were they can research the world around them in an explorative, sensorial, creative, enquiry-based and fun way. I love being outdoors and exploring the natural world with the children and I will usually be covered in mud or paint!
When I am not working I love running, walking and going to the theatre with my boys!
I have specialised as a teacher in early years for 9 years. I believe strongly that every child deserves a start in their education journey were they can research the world around them in an explorative, sensorial, creative, enquiry-based and fun way. I love being outdoors and exploring the natural world with the children and I will usually be covered in mud or paint!
When I am not working I love running, walking and going to the theatre with my boys!
I have specialised as a teacher in early years for 9 years. I believe strongly that every child deserves a start in their education journey were they can research the world around them in an explorative, sensorial, creative, enquiry-based and fun way. I love being outdoors and exploring the natural world with the children and I will usually be covered in mud or paint!
When I am not working I love running, walking and going to the theatre with my boys!
Useful Links

The NHS Test and Trace service has now been launched. You can play your part to help control the virus and get life back to normal. Find out more: www.gov.uk/guidance/nhs-test-and-trace-how-it-works
For detailed guidance visit www.nhs.uk/coronavirus
- www.warwickshireparentcarerforum.co.uk
- www.warwickshireyoungcarers.org.uk/
- Warwickshire Welfare Scheme - www.warwickshire.gov.uk/localwelfarescheme
- Bereavement support - COVID – 19 Support WES EPS
- helpline@cruse.org.uk or 0808 808 1677
- www.nhs.uk/conditions/stress-anxiety-depression/coping-with-bereavement/
- Family Information Service - www.warwickshire.gov.uk/childrenandfamilies
- Local Food Bank arrangements/voucher collection
- Domestic Abuse Helpline - www.nationaldahelpline.org.uk
- Citizens Advice Service - www.citizensadvice.org.uk
- Local Charities
- Young Carers - 02476 217740
- Samaritans Helpline 116 123 or email jo@samaritans.org
- Childline - 0800 1111
- https://www.childrenscommissioner.gov.uk/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/cco-childrens-guide-to-coronavirus.pdf
- Educational Psychologist Telephone Support Service - Click Here
- CYP - 24/7 Crisis Call Line
24/7 Crisis Number for Children and Young People - Updated
Please be advised that the 24/7 Crisis Number for children and young people has changed.
“For urgent calls for children and young people who are experiencing a mental health crisis contact the Rise Crisis team
between 8am- 8pm on 02476 641799 or call 0300 200 0011 outside of these hours.
During the COVID response, this is service is available 24-hours a day, 7-days a week, with an advice-only service outside
the core hours of 8am-8pm.”
Speech and language Support
South Warwickshire NHS Foundation Trust
Speech and language therapy update video (also available via the website)
Warwickshire Time to Talk
https://timetotalkwarwickshire.com/ Time to Talk™ Online Resources
The Warwickshire Time to Talk™ Team have produced some great home learning ideas that you may want to share with your families, take a look here: https://timetotalkwarwickshire.com/home-learning-environment/