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Why should you be a School Governor?


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Meet the Atherstone (ANS) and Bedworth(BHN) Heath Nursery School Federation Governors


Jean Ferraro                                    LA Nominated Governor                  Appointed September 2014

Dean Wainwright (Chair)            Co-opted Governor                            Appointed September 2014

Wendy Dodd                                    Co-opted Governor                            Appointed January 2020

Joanne Vallis                                  Co-opted Governor                            Appointed January 2019

Sue Ingram                                     Parent Governor ANS & BHN          Appointed January 2023

Julie Toal  (Vice Chair)                Co-opted  Governor                           Appointed January 2019

Nicci Burton                                   Head Teacher                                      Appointed January 2019

Berinder Matharu                         Staff Governor                                    Appointed January 2020


Elizabeth Castle                           Clerk to Governors                             Appointed April 2023

Governing Body remit:


Please note that the Governors are concerned as a whole body with the strategic development of the Federation to continue to deliver school improvement and secure excellent outcomes for all pupils.

-  For school operational issues please talk to the school office.

-  For specific concerns about your child's education or their class please talk to the class teacher in the first instance and then the headteacher.


Contacting the Governors:

Contact with the Governing Body or requests for copies of meeting records may be made through the Clerk to Governors

- by hand c/o the school office
- by post c/o Bedworth Heath Nursery School
- by email to 


Full Governing Body Meeting     

Governors meet 3 times a year as a full Governing Body, to discuss and make decisions upon a range of matters regarding the strategic planning of the school. The whole purpose of school governance is school improvement, and there are three key areas where governors can make a difference.

To provide a strategic view: working with the headteacher to help decide the school's strategy for improvement so that pupils learn most effectively.

To monitor and evaluate (challenge and support): The GB provides the headteacher and staff with support, advice and information, drawing on GB members' knowledge and experience. The Governing Body work to promote the interests of the school and its pupils and work with the staff with this common interest.

To ensure accountability: The headteacher and staff are accountable to the Governing Body, and report on the school's performance. The Governing Body is in turn accountable for its actions to the parents and the wider community, in respect of the school's overall performance.


At Atherstone and Bedworth Heath Nursery School federation the Governing Body delegates key tasks to two sub committees.


Teaching& Learning Committee    


The committee meets 3 times a year with a focus on learning and school improvement. Key documents reviewed are the school Self Evaluation Form (SEF) which drives the Integrated Improvement Plan (IIP) which is the road map that sets out the changes a school needs to make to improve the level of pupil achievement. Key discussions take place on the curriculum, Safeguarding, Special Educational Needs & Disabilities (SEND), and feeding back of governor monitoring. Certain school policies are delegated to this committee for review and approval.


Resources Committee     


The committee meets 3  times a year and works with the head teacher to review the annual school budget, and monitor income and expenditure against the budget, identifying any significant financial risks & implications for the school. Key discussions take place around staffing levels and pay, Health and Safety & the school premises. Certain school policies are delegated to this committee for review and approval.

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