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Nursery  Blog

News, Events & Blog 




Over the last week the children in Orchard nursery have been noticing the change in our sunflowers in the allotment. They have spent time harvesting the seeds to treasure and keep safe until they are ready to plant again in Spring time. We are talking about the changes in the seasons as they notice that the items in their allotment are changing or decaying.





What a wonderful day yesterday was on our family outing. The sun shone, the leaves fell, the ducks quacked and our children collected and explored. What a wonderful way for our children to build on their relationships with their friends outside of nursery. For those who could not make the outing we have an activity pack for your child to use at home. Please also look at the photographs and see if your children can find some of the characters from the story Room on a Broom hiding in the woods (a witch, a bird, a frog, a cat, a dog and a dragon)! We look forward to looking closely at the children's collections at nursery today.


There will be a REAM (Raising Early Achievements in Mathematics) workshop running on 24th October at 12:30pm. Please return your reply slip if you would like to attend.



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